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Audit Committee

The Audit Committee has responsible for reviewing financial statements, internal control system, and ensuring that the Company has disclosed information on related party transaction. To ensure that transparency and fairness can be achieved for the confidence of shareholders, investors, and all stakeholders. The Audit Committee of the Company consists of 3 Independent Directors appointed by the Board of Directors based on their expertise, experiences and qualifications, as prescribed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Capital Market Supervisory Board, or the Bank of Thailand.

The members of the Audit Committee are as follows:

The Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee is responsible for formulating strategies, policies, planning, and overall risk management practices of the Company. As assigned by the Board of Directors to monitor the company’s enterprise-wide risk, management framework, and corporate risk function. It also covers all risks that the Company may face up in the future. The Risk Management Committee consists of 2 non-executive directors as follows:

The Remuneration and Nomination Committee

Remuneration and Nomination Committee had been appointed by the Board of Directors, to responsible for human resource management and recommend the Board of Directors concerning the nomination and remuneration of the Chairman and Directors (by requesting approval from a subsequent shareholders' meeting), and set the policies for nomination and selection of the Company’s Managing Director and senior management. The Remuneration and Nomination Committee consisted of 5 directors with 4 non-executive directors and 1 independent director as follows:

Investment Committee

the investment committee is set up to review the company’s strategy and policy regarding mergers, acquisitions, investments, and dispositions including approving and/or making recommendations to the Board to approve Major Transactions, as well as overseeing the post-closing analysis of investments. The investment committee consists of 2 independent directors, 2 non-executive directors, and 1 executive as follows: